Tessellations – The Beneventi School

Head of School Search

Head of School Search

We are embarking on a search to identify our next Head of School who will lead us into the next phase of Tessellations’ journey.

Tessellations has grown tremendously over the past four years since its founding, with enrollment now at approximately 270 students — an extraordinary achievement for any school. As we continue to expand and enhance our academic programs, it’s critical to our mission that we must also expand our administrative capacity to better serve our students and staff in every way possible.

We are seeking a long-term leader who provides continuity, clarity, and stability. Someone who can identify and retain great educational talents, further invest in our teachers and staff in a way that drives our mission. A communicator who builds trust, supports and motivates people, while holding themselves and their team accountable for commitments. An empathic listener who can grow a nurturing, inclusive community that supports both staff and students.

We are conducting a thoughtful, comprehensive search for this leader and are following a rigorous, comprehensive search. Below we have information about the Search Committee and timeline.

Tessellations HOS Opportunity Statement

Send inquiries to careers@tessellations.school

Search Committee

  • Eugene Hung (Chair)
  • Anne Beneventi
  • Miriam Singer
  • Peter Deng


A Head of School search is a fluid process with many moving pieces. The timeline may change and if it does, we will update the information here.

Summer 2024
Search Planning, assembly of search committee

Fall 2024
DRG conducts discovery conversations/meetings, and drafts Opportunity Statement

Winter 2024
Research & Outreach – DRG will find and screen candidates.

Spring 2025
Considering community feedback, reference and background checks, and search committee discussion, search committee will make recommendations to Board for selected candidate.

Summer 2026
Selected candidate starts officially in HOS Capacity

In our hiring practice or any other school-administered program, Tessellations does not discriminate on the basis of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.