Tessellations – The Beneventi School

Enrichment: K-8


We foster creativity with classes and electives taught by Specialists. Students in K-5, have art and drama in the Fall semester, and innovation and music in the Spring semester as well as library year around. Students in grades 6-8 have a morning rotation enrichment class that is different each day of the week.

Visual Arts

At Tessellations, art experiences develop students’ abilities toward visual awareness, personal expression, self evaluation, and confidence in using art media. Students start with exploring the different mediums of art and progress to principles of design. Students study art from around the world and go back in time to study key works in art history and their impact on society and expression today. Throughout the year, students work on developing skills that are crucial for individuals who simply want to sketch from their imagination or one day create a robust art portfolio. Students learn to trust their artistic instincts to create artwork and to grow their own skills, studying techniques from inspiring historical and modern-day artists. Growth mindset, perseverance, learning from mistakes, finding one’s own style, letting go, thinking out of the box, following directions, problem solving, staying within materials, and celebrating multiple perspectives are a few of the life skills imparted in the Tessellations Art program. It is the program’s overarching goal to affect the upward progress of our Tessellations community through the contributions of mature, sensitive, imaginatively constructive human beings.


Innovation is the program where the unleashed imagination of every student comes into play. Like in many Makerspaces, students have access to readily-available materials that initiate inquiry and excitement and give students the opportunity to think, design, and bring their ideas to life. Sometimes Innovation classes provide structured lessons and projects related to a specific topic such as electricity, hydraulics, or magnets. During other weeks, students may be given specific engineering or material challenges, or may get uninterrupted free time to explore their own ideas and creativity. No matter the assignment, each week students dive into the process of idea generation, design thinking, experimentation, planning, note taking, material procurement, creation, and trial and error. Students learn to identify their own challenges, solve new problems, motivate themselves to complete a project, engage in difficult tasks, work together, inspire others, and give advice and guidance to their peers. It is a dynamic program for student growth and learning


Our theater and performing arts program gives students the opportunity, skills, and confidence to bring ideas to life on stage. From improvisation to pantomime and everything in between, we provide a safe environment to help the young actors step out of their comfort zone and create new avenues of self expression. Students develop a keen sense of empathy and perspective through a deep understanding of characters, roles, and the subtext of plays.

We start the year with two variety shows designed to showcase different acting skills and creative comedy sketches and close out the year with a full-scale performance. Our theater and performing arts program aims to engage all students with opportunities on stage and behind the scenes. Students are encouraged to learn about lighting and sound design, costume and props, script writing, directing, casting and staging.


The Tessellations music program uses a hands-on, whole child approach, emphasizing collaborative learning, and meaningful musical experiences. Our goals are to celebrate creative expression and support the musical development of every student!

Students in grades K-3 develop a sense of rhythm and build their musical appreciation by studying instrumental and vocal music from around the world. By the end of 3rd grade, students will have the musical skills to engage in improvisation as well as create and refine their own musical compositions.

Students in grades 4-8th develop and enhance their foundational music skills and participate in small ensembles. By collectively examining rhythm, melody, and notation practices, students expand their ability to play a variety of music and instruments. This group work enables students to share new perspectives, and gain a deep understanding of the historical significance of a diversity of music. Small ensemble groupings allow for hands-on experience with greater freedom, differentiation, and teamwork. Using a teacher guided democratic process students select their own ensemble pieces and instruments. The class works together to compose, write instrumental/vocal parts, arrange, and eventually perform musical selections.

Debate (Grades 4-8)

Tessellations’ speech and debate program supports students in building the skills and confidence to craft an argument and advocate for causes they care about. It teaches students how to listen purposefully and be intellectually discerning as they exercise their critical thinking skills.

Starting in 4th grade students can choose a speech and debate exploration class to build foundational skills including research of issues, organization and synthesis of data, and debate techniques and strategies. Our in-school program is supplemented by an after-school club where students can hone their skills and receive competition coaching in specific events and real-world speaking opportunities.


Library class offers a dynamic learning environment where students cultivate a love of reading, develop research skills, and explore diverse genres. Each year the library program implements a curriculum to engage students in meaningful dialogue and analysis related to literature. For example, one curriculum was based on the question, “Who tells your story?” and library classes incorporated lessons and discussion prompts to explore the concepts of authorship, narrative, and identity. Books in the library are organized by topic to facilitate exploration of different subjects. Special events like DEAR Day (Drop Everything and Read) and author visits promote school-wide reading and inspire students to pursue their own writing. The library program celebrates each child as a reader and supports their evolving relationship with stories and texts that bring them joy and inspiration.


Wise Choice (Grades K-3)​

For our younger students, beginning in Kindergarten, we teach students to make choices and give them an opportunity to pursue their personal interests. We do this through Wise Choice twice a week, where children select from different activities within the classroom. Activities include:

  • Chess
  • Drawing instruction
  • Board games
  • Building with blocks
  • Reading
  • Puppets
  • Clay
  • Dramatic play

Explorations (Grades 4-8)

Explorations provide an opportunity for students to further cultivate and learn about the subjects that pique their curiosity. Explorations change quarterly and are based on student interests. Students in grades 4-5 select one class to take each quarter while students in grades 6-8 select two classes each quarter. 

Current exploration offerings include:

  • Podcast
  • Musical Performance
  • Junior Coach Leadership
  • Fiber Arts
  • Chess
  • Advanced Speech & Debate
  • Intro to Public Speaking
  • Robotics
  • Dungeons & Dragons
  • Yearbook
  • Cake Boss
  • Foley Sound Effects
  • Henna Art
  • Musical Theater
  • Newspaper